First Section

Your LovePrint is exactly what someone needs.

Your LovePrint is exactly what someone needs.

You are exactly what someone needs right now.

Imagine that. Someone needs exactly what you have to offer right now. They will cross paths with you, and they are ready for you to fill the void of the day. Or of the moment. Or of a lifetime.

It can be a smile that makes the bad experience go away. It can be the connection that reminds us all that we belong, we matter, or that someone cares. Your smile can be the perfect smile. It is the perfect smile.

LovePrints. On the line. Conditioning

LovePrints. On the line. Conditioning

As a player, as a coach there are certain inevitable things. Some are good, some are dreaded, and all of them have purpose. All of them belong. All of them send us forward with something stronger and better than what we had before it. There are often constants in sports, and conditioning is one of them. It is never pleasing, often painful, and always the truth. It is also where winners show up, acknowledge, and crown themselves. It is where the line is drawn.

LovePrints. Here’s to the healers. Thank you.

LovePrints. Here’s to the healers. Thank you.

Here’s to the healers!

Thank you!

For understanding the simple idea that one hand is for giving and one is for receiving. To be of service, we must give of ourselves. If we care about others, we find out about the greater good in ourselves.

The caretakers of hearts. The lovers of health. The shepherds for good. The guards to happiness.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.