Youtube Videos

LovePrints. The Success Chronicles. What's on your heart?

A preview of a sit down with Chip Baker of The Success Chronicles, and Coach DP. This clip is for the feature, WHAT'S ON YOUR HEART?

A Constant of LovePrints is "Filter Your Heart".

LovePrints. Coach DP. A story of "WHY?"

LovePrints are powerful. When we recognize that these moments strengthen us for tough times, highlight the good times, and are the foundation for why we do what we do, we calm and able to move forward and up. This is a story of the "WHY?" This is a purpose. This is a miracle. This is a LovePrint.  

LovePrints Dr. John Butler Always present. Always adding to..

Love in action. Action in love. Love out loud.

Life is constantly adding to, giving to, and showing us what is for us.

There are people placed purposefully and specifically in our lives to add to. When God leans in your direction, jump in his hand and enjoy his grace.

I met Dr. John Butler many years ago while taping a Redskins Magazine Plus television show. John is the voice behind its theme song, and one day sat down on the set to add some of his amazing spirit to that week’s show. Tony McGee and Doc Walker smiled so fully that I knew something good was in store. I was stunned. How was this not in my life already? I knew the theme song, I just did not know who it came from, and where he came from. I was going to learn tonight!

Fast forward ten years later, and we were sill friends. We talked life, faith, and football. We talked families and communities and chances. I don’t know if you have ever been in the presence of true good. I always wanted to be better around him. I wanted to DO better around him.

When I was blessed enough with a life’s love who chose to spend the rest of her life with me, I thought of who to invite, and at the top of the list was John. I asked him if he would sing at the ceremony. I asked, and he said yes. He did what John does, he ADDED TO. He introduced me to Charles and Cynthia Williams, who added to. (Thank you!) These two amazing souls walked into our lives and added to. On our special day, they made everything perfect. PERFECT. The Nationals Park in Washington, DC let us use it as the place, and when the ceremony began, John sang. HE SANG! Charles led us through the ceremony and it was PERFECT!

Two years later, life had a gut punch in store for us. My mother passed away, and I was spinning. My head and spirit were cloudy. Enter Dr. Butler. He offered to show up at mom’s service. HE SHOWED UP! He gave a church of mourners his voice, his strength, his faith, and his word.

Life moved again, and took my family to Houston. Even in distance, John is present! He is constantly in motion for good, always a strong board of support, and a vacuum of good. This man of God is consistently in place and prepared with purpose.

This Man of God, New Orleans Saints fan, and friend has been there for me. I just wanted to thank him for his LovePrints on me and my life.

At my lowest, you picked me up. At my strongest, you shined the light. Every day, you love.

You action in love, and you action in love.

Thank you.